A39 now open. We are accessible from all directions

Well, after over 4 days of utter chaos the A39 is now open in both directions, and you can come and see us without too much problem.

There are still road works and traffic lights aplenty, but it is not too bad.

We would like to say that Somerset County Council told us the road was now open and we would have liked to have told you that they informed us of the impending closure.....but obviously they did not. Effective communication with the beleagered rate payer is not deemed worthy of the Council's time.

We have had splendid support from our local District Councillor, Nigel Taylor (who was also not told about the road closure), but no help, communication or concern has been shown by anyone at all from the County Council.

So, some hearty and heavily sarcastic thanks to a few deserving chaps.

Graham Noel, our representative on the County Council has replied to an email and said he will have a meeting with us....soon. It would have been absolutely lovely if he had shown some interest in our business prior to the Council caused mayhem, but we cannot have everything. Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted is the cliched phrase that leaps to mind, but at least contact from an elusive Councillor.

Richard Needs (Service Manager-Engineering Design Traffic and transport Development Group) was kind enough to take a phone call and tell us that (even though we were only 100 yards from the closure) that he was not required to inform us about the road closure, and that he could close the road for a year and no compensation would be due. Thanks Richard for your complete indiffference to both us and our customers.

Thanks to the Head of the Council, John Osman, who, since he needed £4183.90 travel and subsistence allowance last year, must have to drive an awfully long way due to road closures, and at least will understand the fustration of those of us who can't charge the rate payer for their mileage. 

Thanks to the Chief Executive of Somerset County Council, Pat Flaherty, who, according to John Osman, has raised morale...(and we appreciate Mr Osman would feel his morale boosted when his £38065.77 annual allowances were signed off). Mr Flaherty earns much, much more than the Prime Minister, so he obvioulsy has much important stuff to do, and cannot be expected to worry about roads for the poor ratepayers.

In fact, can we put on record how chuffed we are with the improved morale at the County Council? Super news, and providing a nice contrast to the morale of the people who pay the wages and have to deal with the incessant road problems. Morale at Wells Reclamation was low this week as we lost many thousands of pounds of custom, (and had to pacify the very few and very angry customers who actually made it here)...but fear not, we will still pay our rates to ensure Councillors' travel expenses are met....we would hate Mr Flaherty,  Mr Osman, Mr Needs et al to be out of pocket. Bless them all.

I am truly sorry that my domestic rates only cover half of Mr Osman's travel and subsistence needs....I feel as if I am failing to adequately fund our hard working representatives. Hey ho. 

Finally, sincere thanks to our customers who have handled the farce on our roads with stoicism and good grace.

This blog was written by Warwick, so if anyone wishes to express outrage at my comments you know who to ask for.


1st August 2014

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