Movember 2013
Glenn and Warwick from Wells Reclamation are participating in Movember 2013 - for those who don't know, this involves growing a moustache or 'mo' during November. The Movember charity is a worldwide organisation raising money in aid of prostrate and testicular cancer and mental health. Movember's vision is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men's health.
We are now on day 14 and as you can see by the picture, the mo's are really taking shape. Warwick's has changed from a distinct Walrus/Windsor Davies style to a more aging biker one, whereas Glenn's is still persevering with his standard Mexican/trucker shape. Warwick has also invested in a magnifying shaving mirror to help with the morning shape and shave....any excuse for a new gadget.
In order to make all of the shame, itchiness and shaving worth the effort, we would very much appreciate it if you could please make a kind donation to the 'Mo' fund. Please follow this link to the Mo Space page.
Thanking you all in advance.
The Wells Rec Mo Team
- 8th November 2013