Birds, bugs and bees...
As a group of budding David Attenborough's, we now stock a number of products to encourage wildlife and birds into your garden.
The humble honey bee, constantly under threat, is a great addition to anyone's garden. Lovely flowers, more birds and of course HONEY!! Following an indepth collaboration with a local honey producer, we have designed our own traditional white slatted bee hives to help you start your own honey production and help save the endangered honey bee. Not only is honey delicious and a great alternative to sugar, but there is anecdotal evidence that eating locally sourced honey can help hayfever and allergy sufferers as it is produced from the very stuff which causes the problems! What's not to like!?
To encourage bug life into your garden, which will have the added benefit of birds and maybe a hedgehog or two, we now have bug houses in stock. These ingenious items are made from wooden tubes stacked together to form a 'house'. The bugs can then create their own little nests within the tubes. The bugs contribute to pollination and encourage birds and the occassional spiky visitor back into your garden.
Finally, for the ornithologists among you, we always have a good selection of bird baths and cute bird houses in stock. Log on to our website or pop in to have a look.
- 5th March 2012