Christmas Charity Auction
Like us on facebook and get the chance to bid for a pair of hand painted Chinese bedside cabinets. Free delivery to your door before Christmas! Proceeds from the winning bid go to the charity of your choice, in full.
You have 24 hours from 12 O'clock mid day on Sunday December 18th until 12 O'clock mid day on Monday December 19th to place your bids. Bear in mind that the normal retail price for this pair of cabinets is £130. Colour red, top and sides black crackle glaze. Dimensions 400mm wide x 600mm high x 300mm deep.
This event is open to all so tell your friends - you do not have to register your attendance on the facebook events page, but remember IT IS ESSENTIAL that you click 'LIKE' on the Wells Reclamation facebook Page for your bid to be valid!
We will take payment and delivery details from the successful bidder over the telephone, despatch the cabinets to arrive before Christmas (UK mainland only) and then present the charity of your choice with the full amount paid to us by you.
Your bids should be placed underneath the 'Starter Flag' on our main FACEBOOK WALL, which will appear at 12 mid day on Sunday 18th.
Good Luck !- 9th December 2011