Sorry, I need a moment...
So, pizza. Probably the best fast food on the planet. Such a simple idea too - bread with stuff on! It's like a sandwich but a million times better, and it's hot. Although to be fair, who hasn't had a little zing of joy when they've remembered that last cold slice in the box from the night before...? mmmmmmm
It would seem therefore, that the only way to ensure the world is never without pizza, is to make your own, in huge quantities. And we can help you in your endeavor.
Our cast iron Pizza Oven doors are one of our best sellers, in fact we sell them all over world - clearly proving the world agrees that we should never run out.
If you fancy being your own Pizzaiolo - a trained pizza maker - then maybe you should consider building your own pizza oven. Apparently they are the new BBQ and we Brits love to eat outside. Of course we've got the weather for it...and the range of knitwear. Instead of the kiss of death to the summer being the annual BBQ scrub down, we could all create blizzards and unseasonally cold weekends with the promise of an American Hot straight from the garden.
Imagine the fun you could have coming up with crazy combo's like tuna & banana or (controversially) a pizza with chicken on the top - not one I'd be happy to try I'm afraid.
You could become a pizza geek and learn new terminology:-
Leopard spots - refers to the charred blisters located on the top rim of your carefully crafted pizza.
Docking - nerd speak for carefully pricking holes in the dough before adding the topping.
Caputo - Italian brand of 00 flour, renowned for its elasticity.
So how do you actually build a pizza oven?
Google or youtube are probably a good first port of call for the DIY enthusiast. But if, like me, you're more along the lines of GSI (Get Someone In), then call a reputable builder, or wood fired oven specialist to come in to build the oven and fix one of our lovely doors to the front. We have our own pizza oven at Wells Reclamation to give you an idea of what it should look like and what materials you may need.
Quite honestly, I don't know why it's taken you this long to consider such a venture - get ahead of the curve and build that oven!!! The world needs more pizza, fast.
17th May 2016